
Built by Kyle Unverferth, all rights reserved

This page is for the settings of the application. To change your user preferences, such as themes, edit your profile.

Admin Functions

App Information
All sorts of info about the server and runtime

Go Modules
The Go modules used by

Edit Themes
Configure the design themes available to end users

Recent Logs
Displays the 100 most recent app logs

HTTP Methods

Displays the HTTP actions that are available, with documentation

HTTP routes
Enumerates all registered HTTP routes, by method

User Session
View the user session, including all cookies and settings

Debug HTTP Request
Full debug view of an HTTP request from your browser

Brand Icons
Displays the brand icons that are available to this application

App Profiling

Memory Usage
Detailed memory usage statistics for this application

Collect Garbage
Runs the Go garbage collector


no authentication providers configured, why not add one?